RealTide Deliverables: D3.4 Paper describing the inter-comparison of BEMT, Blade resolved CFD and BEMT-CFD models of the D1X turbine

The aim of this report is to compare experimental results, obtained during tank tests at IFREMER and floWave, to calculate results from BEMT and CFD models.

This report will validate the numerical models and describe how to consider real environmental conditions in modelling.

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RealTide Deliverables: D3.4 Paper describing the inter-comparison of BEMT, Blade resolved CFD and BEMT-CFD models of the D1X turbine


RealTide Deliverables: D3.4 Paper describing the inter-comparison of BEMT, Blade resolved CFD and BEMT-CFD models of the D1X turbine
RealTide Deliverables: D3.4 Paper describing the inter-comparison of BEMT, Blade resolved CFD and BEMT-CFD models of the D1X turbine